You are young, single, and without kids and drive a big 4 door sedan.
White Dove
JoinedPosts by White Dove
You know you're a JW if..
by themonster123 inhey i'll come back and do some, but does anyone want to kick start it?
If "My Book Of Bible Stories" was a movie, what would it be rated?
by gaiagirl indiscussing movies at work this week, someone mentioned "sin city", a very violent film about honest cops, corrupt cops, and criminals.
in this film, justice is administered harshly, and sometimes cruelly.
however, the film also shows really evil people receiving "just desserts".
White Dove
The Bible would be a teenagers dream! Drink water out of your own cistern and become intoxicated with the hind of your youth. Let her breasts intoxicate you. The Bible according to Heff! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
If "My Book Of Bible Stories" was a movie, what would it be rated?
by gaiagirl indiscussing movies at work this week, someone mentioned "sin city", a very violent film about honest cops, corrupt cops, and criminals.
in this film, justice is administered harshly, and sometimes cruelly.
however, the film also shows really evil people receiving "just desserts".
White Dove
I tell everyone that the Bible is rated 'R' for sex (incest and adultry over and over and over), violence (Jesus' death)(Phenius speared them through their sex organs) (King Eglon was speared through and through and through all his fat to the sword's handle) (King Saul's death)(beheadings up the wazoo), and language (he who urinates against a wall). Oh, I could go on and on:)
I really don't believe the Bible Story Book is suitable for children as it inculcates fear of man and God into them that is not healthy. Opinion only, of course.
How many of us fake nationality ?
by 5go inby the way konichiwa ?.
domo arigato for your replies !
guten tag !
White Dove
Did anyone notice that I changed my origin to Oklahoma? I think I'll become Icelandic next:)
Does anyone know if Tiny White posts here?
JW email making the rounds - feeling guilt for not doing enough in service
by truthseeker inthis is making the rounds.... the third danger that also involves feelings of guilt, not for doing what's wrong, but for not doing enough in our service to jehovah god.
do we have reason to feel guilty?
why would we feel guilty?
White Dove
Ok, I just re-read your part of it and recognize the large part as written by someone else. I re-direct my comments to the WTS now.
JW email making the rounds - feeling guilt for not doing enough in service
by truthseeker inthis is making the rounds.... the third danger that also involves feelings of guilt, not for doing what's wrong, but for not doing enough in our service to jehovah god.
do we have reason to feel guilty?
why would we feel guilty?
White Dove
They would be happier at the meetings? I never was and noticed that others weren't, either. The meetings drive home the point that no one is doing enough. They are repetitive guilt trips no one needs. Meetings are downers.
"I haven't seen you at the meetings. What can I do to help?" Did you mean what can a person do to help the other to go to meetings? I think that is an attempt to treat the symptoms not the disease. Or, did you mean what can a person do to help the other with whatever the other needs? That is better. I never needed help to show up at meetings. I needed an understanding, compassionate ear without the guilt trips.
The Person you were Engaged to Marry had an Accident & became a Paraplegic
by new boy in.................would you go through with the marriage or back out of it?
White Dove
I would probably go through the usual grief sesson and feel horrible about myself but then get over it. I would free the person to marry someone else then go and slit my throat. Am I kidding? Not sure. I hope I never have to find out, but yes, I would free the person. I might become addicted to anti-depressants or some other kind of crutch as that is my personality tilt to handle super super bad things. I have never been in a super super bad thing, though, so not addicted or anything like that.
The Person you were Engaged to Marry had an Accident & became a Paraplegic
by new boy in.................would you go through with the marriage or back out of it?
White Dove
No, I couldn't do it. It would break my heart, but I owe it to myself to have as great a life as possible without the major disability that would make it a non-marraige. I am deaf but get by so well that it would not be a burdon on another person. It would be selfish of the majorly DA'd person to expect me to be full time care taker for 50-60+ years. That is not reasonable. I wish that I could say yes I would suffer so much for another for so many years, but let's be real: full time care takers end up in the hospital a lot. They die sooner and have emotional problems more than most. It wreaks one's health. I speak from my gramma's experience. She got very very sick taking care of her two relatives for only three years. It's not healthy. Marraige means more than sex, true. But it does have sex as a factor! The marraige would be strained. Now I'm just waiting for someone with the experience to yell at me. It's ok. That is why I talk straight, besides it being a feature of deaf culture: no holds barred. Chew away. I'm ready
I went to a JW "memorial" (funeral) talk on Saturday
by cruzanheart injust when i think that i will never set foot in a kingdom hall again, the father of a dear friend of mine died.
now, this friend and her husband stood firmly by our side during the hubbub surrounding my dad's suicide and the funeral we decided on (no kh, no elders, no half hour infomercial), and she was having problems with her own family, so i decided to go to his funeral talk as support for her.. nothing dramatic happened, really, but it was a good reality check.
jennie, our 13-year-old daughter, went with me and almost fell asleep from boredom and the fact that the elders were too cheap to turn the ac down to a comfortable temperature on a warm texas saturday afternoon.
White Dove
The WTS causes people to doubt their God(?) given ability to use good judgement and decide for themselves. They say they follow the Bible, but it says to use your power of discernment, not the WTS's power of discernment for you. They can't save you. I said that to my dad who still thinks I go to meetings. I told him that we have to take responsibility for our own salvation and not rely on "earthling man." How can they ignore that? The WTS is the SLAVE, so they have the God given obligation to think for you. I am sure that I can read anything and not get off ballance. I have good judgement. They sure do demoralize people. Got off topic, but needed to vent a little.
I went to a JW "memorial" (funeral) talk on Saturday
by cruzanheart injust when i think that i will never set foot in a kingdom hall again, the father of a dear friend of mine died.
now, this friend and her husband stood firmly by our side during the hubbub surrounding my dad's suicide and the funeral we decided on (no kh, no elders, no half hour infomercial), and she was having problems with her own family, so i decided to go to his funeral talk as support for her.. nothing dramatic happened, really, but it was a good reality check.
jennie, our 13-year-old daughter, went with me and almost fell asleep from boredom and the fact that the elders were too cheap to turn the ac down to a comfortable temperature on a warm texas saturday afternoon.
White Dove
That is exactly what happened to me: Sick of toeing the line for people. I was focused on God and his love and they weren't. I thought they were terrible Witnesses, but they were simply being Witnesses. I didn't know. Now, I am a quasi-atheist. I know there is a God who created this place, but the Bible??? Hmmm...Still confused.
Cruzenheart (spell?),
Well said! I had a little of an idea of the freedom I might experience if I just left, but this is even better than I imagined. I thought that people would finally leave me and my kids alone for dressing nice but not up to par for the meetings and that I would feel peace from that. Little did I know that I would have so much more free time, true friends, and opportunities in life that were closed to me when I was a Witness. Now, I truly know what people who have left mean when they say they are really really happy. I couldn't believe that was possible outside the KHall, but it is. Happiness happens outside of the hall not inside it.